Mobile Optimierung

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Digital products can only be presented and communicated effectively when they have been expertly designed. In addition to the overall appearance of the user interface, digital design has another important task; it provides direction and helps the user find the information they want. Good web design is therefore the key to improved user experience.

User Experience Design

User-Experience (UX) Design deals exclusively with the analysis, creation and optimization of the user experience. In fact, digital user experience is about the inner world - the individual thoughts and needs of customers when dealing with a digital product, brand or service. UX designers want to improve user experience by all available means, because successful UX design contributes enormously to improved absorption of content. Confusing websites should be a thing of the past when UX design is employed because complex issues are presented in a simplified manner.

UX design does not stand out visually. On the contrary, well-thought-out UX design is so well matched to the needs of the user that it is hardly noticeable. With appropriate UX design, the user can navigate intuitively through a website and easily access all relevant information.

Therefore, the economic success of a product or company may depend directly on a good digital user experience.

Why nobody should do without UX design

Anyone who prioritises the aesthetics of a project and ignores important functionality creates something beautiful but, under certain circumstances, also extremely impractical. Unfortunately, the Internet is unforgiving of poor function and usability. Search engines like Google favour sites that prioritise optimisation and demote sites that ignore UX; the more user-friendly a platform, the easier it is to find it. In addition, end users have a rather short attention span, making it even more important to put content in the foreground by means of user-friendly presentation. With the current oversupply of websites, potential customers quickly lose interest and leave when a website is difficult to use.

User Interface Design

In contrast to UX design, which takes care of the customer-friendly presentation and structuring of content, UI Design (User Interface Design) is responsible for the appearance of a web page. UI designers approach their work with creativity and artistic flair, whereas UX designers focus on the essentials by addressing customer needs. Each design decision is made on the basis of eye-tracking studies and individual analysis. Working together, UX and UI design can determine the success of a website and should therefore be an integral part of website planning and design.

Responsive Webdesign

The number of mobile internet users
in Germany was 54% in 2015 and
increased to 80% by 2020.

Not so long ago, when families gathered in front of the television in the evening so as not to miss their favourite series, it was relatively clear where companies were advertising. TV and print media had a unique position in the advertising market. The digital age, however, had its own advertising plan and within a few years brought companies and brands to the screens of our PCs, and a few years later to our tablets and smartphones. The internet is everywhere we go, and web design is right there with it.


With responsive web design, a website is designed and technically implemented in such a way that it is displayed optimally on all devices. The key to fluent, responsive web design lies in the technology behind it, for example by selecting the right template it is possible to display defined content uniformly. The layout of a page can be designed so flexibly that it is always equally user-friendly, so that a user does not have to return to the website again when changing device, and the navigation makes it possible for him to access the usual content in the same way each time he visits. Ideally, content, function and design adapt perfectly to all screen resolutions and enable a uniform brand presence and experience.


Customer Journey

In order to be present on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones, websites have had to become more adaptable. Today, users switch frequently between different devices, so it is extremely important that a website functions equally well on a desktop computer as on a tablet or smartphone. Before a customer decides to buy a product, they go through several stages of information gathering, called the customer journey. For example, the customer notices an advertisement for the first time on a social media post on her smartphone, she sees it again later while surfing on the laptop, and finally buys it in an online shop. The customer journey is becoming more and more individual and also extends over many online channels. In addition to the classic desktop layout, the screen size and resolution of countless devices must now also be taken into account. Perfect appearance on all devices is a must for every website in 2022.

Cases Webdesign

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80339 Munich
Phone +49 089 45239737